Winter Wedding Bouquets

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This bouquet shows clustering and tucking a few of the rose heads closer to each other.  Not a "perfect" placement of every single rose being the same distance apart of the exact same depth.

Create a flower recipe ahead before even ordering your flowers.  Using my Flower Calculator before you order helps you keep your wedding budget in check.  Creating flower recipes means you know how many roses you have to insert into this particular bouquet (and not run out of flowers for the last bridesmaid bouquet!)

I scan over the bouquet searching for the next opening I want to fill with another rose.

The bottom roses have a downward slant to the face of the rose heads.

This picture is facing slightly upward, looking up from the bottom of the wedding bouquet.

I'm adding another rose in the top right.

That rose head faces upward.

I deliberately left open gaps between the rose heads.  It is in these spaces that I'm going to add my secondary flower heads (spray carnations), which are the same color, but smaller and a different shape to add some interesting texture to this monochromatic (all the same color) bridal bouquet.

leave winter wedding bouquets and go to all flower tutorials