This white tulip wedding bouquet is so simplistic - the beauty is in the delicate shape of the flowers. Tulips are very water loving, so the bouquet has been designed on a bouquet holder to keep a supply of much needed moisture. You'll need the following supplies for a similar design:
Float soak Oasis Straight Handle Bouquet Holder in floral-nutrient water. Take care not to mash the tulip stems. You must cut the stems with a sharp knife and then gently work the ends into the foam head. Keep your fingers close to the foam and gently work the french tulips into place. Arrange French tulips in foam to create a rounded shape, then fill in with smaller tulips.
It's easier to use Gerbera straws, which are green and slip over the delicate stems of the tulips. If they aren't big enough, the straws are easily split with a knife. The straws can be cut to different lengths and help give support to stems with heavy heads.
Spray entire arrangement with Clear Crowning Glory or Finishing Touch making sure to completely coat the fronts and backs of the flowers. Refrigerate until delivery.