The wedding flower decoration would be perfect for an elegant church ceremony. The colors can easily be changed to match your own wedding selection or personal preferences. Be sure to read through the step by step altar tutorials if you need help with greening or flowering techniques.
To create this large floral, you'll need the following florist supplies and fresh flowers:
Always start by processing your flowers the correct way as a florist would. Please don't skip the recommended supplies or try to substitute with the "homemade" remedies so abundant on the internet. Flowers are big money and the products use by florists are the best when it comes to extending the life of fresh flowers. If you are saving money by doing your own flowers, choose a few less stems and invest in the products. You'll be glad you did.
Soak the florist foam in water that has been treated with fresh flower food. Green in the container, arrange the flowers and mist well with either Finishing Touch or Crowning Glory. Be sure to plan ahead for delivery and be sure you have a vehicle big enough to transport the flowers safely.