wedding bouquet roses

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The wedding bouquet roses in this simple design are the focal point of the entire bouquet.  Cut the stems long enough to insert deep into the foam and rest on top with no stem showing.

The first rose, however, is cut a little longer so it can insert in the top left of the bouquet.  Point the face of the rose upward and angled slightly to the left.

Insert the next rose next to the first.  The heads of each succeeding rose will begin to point up and then gradually outward, so you can see the rose as viewed from the top.

You can see how the rose begins to face towards you as you follow the curve of the wax flower.  The strong red of the rose is a powerful contrast against the pink of the wax flower.  You can, however, turn this easily into into a different color palette by choosing a different color standard rose.

I'm adding in more roses at the top than just a single line, since this is the focal flower for the bouquet.

Here's the insertion of the tenth rose, leaving a small section of the foam as yet unfilled.

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