Candelabra flowers can be easily changed to a different color or flower variety to match your own wedding palette. Don't feel limited to this color only shown in the photograph because roses come in so many different amazing colors and shades.
To create a similar design, you'll need the following florist products and fresh flowers:
Always soak florist foam in water treated with Crystal Clear Florist Foam. Allow to sink in the water gradually. Forcing it under can cause dry pockets in the foam. Wrap the cage with waterproof tape to help stabilize the foam. Putting a lot of flower stems in a cage can stress the foam. Wrapping with waterproof tape and using Floralock after the flowers are designed help keep the flowers in place.
These roses are actually cut into shorter lengths, inserting into the cage, and saving the stems to insert from the bottom. To get the design idea, check out the tutorial for a fireside basket that is designed the same way.