Pew heart decorations

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Once you have completed encircling the heart with seeded eucalyptus, you can begin pinning the eucalyptus leaves around in the same manner as you did the salal leaves.

Again, I used pearl headed pins to quickly put the leaves in place.  If you wish, plain boutonniere pins can be used instead.

Carefully overlap the leaves and be sure to accentuate the heart shape as before.

Once this portion is finished, you are ready to move on to flowering in the rest of the Oasis heart.

Don't feel it necessary only to use button mums.  I do, however, that you use a smaller headed flowers, as larger flowers can quickly obliviate the shape of the heart.

Button mums are available in lavender, green and white.  Their colors can be enhanced with spraying a Oasis flower dye on the flower heads.

I clustered the heads tightly together, slightly overlapping to create more of a visual interest in the shape.

Cluster the button, tilting over the inner foam edge to conceal the foam and mechanics of the design piece.

You can see how beautiful the designed turned out with minimum design skill needed!

Always mist all flower designs with a flower sealant such as Finishing Touch.  This helps counteract the drying effect that both air conditioning and refrigerators have on flowers as those units are designed to pull moisture from the air.  Professional floral coolers put air back into their coolers, keeping them in a moist environment as long as possible.

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