Mixed Flower Greenery

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You can see from the view above how the greenery is the final filler of the arrangement.

I continue to follow the natural rounded dome curve of the design.

Use the long length to advantage, but not so long it looks awkward rather than a cohesive part of the design.

Work your way around the entire circumference of the vase.

Balance the greens on all sides, the same way you did the flower heads.  Insert BETWEEN the flower heads, giving them more separation.

Always keep the greens coming out and downward.

If you separate the flowers, you can see openings in the center.  THIS is where you use the laterals you took off the bottoms of those leather leaf stems.

Another look from the top sees the design almost complete.

Greenery comes out in a natural curve, pointing out and down from all sides.

Clean off the bottom of the laterals (no greens below the water line!) and insert into the middle between flower heads.

leave mixed flower vase and go to all flower tutorials