How to Make a Bridal Bouquet

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I'm filling out this design with just white roses.  I usually wash my hands and spray them with Finishing Touch so that the oils on my fingers don't brown the petals nor do I add any bacteria from handling other flowers or dirt.

After the first two roses in the center, I begin adding the flowers on the outer edges of the bouquet.

I insert the roses by holding my fingers around the stem close to the foam and working the stem gently into the foam.  This helps prevent pushing on the head of the rose which can sometimes damage it.

I begin seeing "empty holes" and planning out where to place my next rose.

Can you now pick out the other areas where you could add another rose? 

After the first two roses in the center, I begin adding the flowers on the outer edges of the bouquet.

I insert the roses by holding my fingers around the stem close to the foam and working the stem gently into the foam.  This helps prevent pushing on the head of the rose which can sometimes damage it.

Always plan out where to place the next rose without crowding the ones already in the bouquet.

The bridal bouquet is nearly complete, inserting the last few roses in the open spaces.

The roses will generally continue opening even after inserted into the bouquet.

I see another spot needing a rose on the lower left.

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