This flower corsage is a dainty mix of sweetheart roses and grape muscari. The blue of the muscari is enhanced with ribbon in the same shade of blue, in two different widths. This delicate flower has specific seasons, so be sure to check if available around your wedding date.
You'll need the following fresh flowers and florist supplies:
Grape hyacinth has very delicate stems, so you need to wire with a hook method and take care while using the green stem wrap. If you haven't had much experience with flower design, take the time to read through some of the step by step tutorials found at the beginning corsage galleries. You'll find techniques for both the traditional wire and tape or the newer, floral adhesive method. It is not wise to use hot melt glue, as it can not only damage fresh flowers, it turns brittle when refrigerated.
Mist well and allow the flower corsage to dry before storing it in the refrigerator. Learn how to process your online flowers as a professional florist would. This is the key to keeping your wedding flowers fresh longer. The suggested products extend the life of your flowers up to and through your wedding day.
Browse the Quick Design tips at the bottom of the page to be taken directly to links on wiring leaves, making bows, creating your own corsage bracelets and so much more.