Christmas Tree Centerpiece

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I actually purchased this pretty little peppermint container from a local thrift store.  Browse your area dollar and thrift stores for great bargains on bowls or containers that can be recycled and used for Christmas centerpieces.  You can use a green utility bowl used by flower shops.  They are very cheap and great if you are doing these for a larger event.

I push the soaked foam into the container.  Hold it over the sink, because water will flow out of the foam when pushed like this.

Once I'm sure the container is completely filled, I will trim away the excess foam.

I generally recommend that the Oasis rise above a container's lip for a height of about 2".

This centerpiece is different, however, since it is the base for holding the florist foam Christmas tree cone.  I use a flat bladed knife for slicing off the top of the foam so that it is level with the container.

You can see that the foam is completely saturated right through the middle of the foam like it should be.

Now I'm ready to secure the saturated foam cone on top of this base.

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