These candelabra flowers feature roses of many colors, but can be easily changed to monochromatic colors (all one color or hues of one color) or to a combination more to your liking. To recreate a similar look, you'll need the following florist supplies, hard goods and fresh flowers:
Good floral design always starts at the beginning - processing your wholesale flowers the right way. Being organized, having your workspace ready and the right products on hand will ensure that your flowers stay fresh and beautiful.
Most DIY brides do not have the advantage of a walk in cooler as a florist does. However, flowers straight from the farm will last 5 - 7 days (or longer) if treated correctly.
Fasten your chenille stems to the Floracage (for later attaching to the candelabra) and then float soak in water treated with fresh flower food. Don't skip the recommended products. They are inexpensive and worth the money. Your wedding flowers are too important to treat with "homemade" recipes that are everywhere on the Internet. Be sure to use the correct quantities. Using too much wastes the product and too little won't do much good.
Arrange the flowers and greens as shown in the picture. If you need more guidance, be sure to read through the step by step candelabra tutorials (the beginning gallery) to get both greening and flowering tips.